Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or support for PCs with Windows 7 on 01/14/2020. PCs running Windows 7 after this date should not be considered protected. Many existing Windows 7 machines can be upgraded to Windows 10 in order to keep your employees productive and secure. Some machines will not meet the system requirements for Windows 10 and will need to be replaced. Contact Tel-Net today for Windows 10 and Office 365 migration assistance.
Windows XP and Office 2003 End of Life Alert Time is almost up. Windows XP and Office 2003 support ends in weeks. Has your business upgraded to supported software versions? Do you have any questions on what this means for you? If so contact your Tel-Net rep as soon as possible to protect your network. Why is Microsoft ending support for Windows XP and Office 2003? In 2002 Microsoft introduced its Support Lifecycle policy based on customer feedback to have more transparency and predictability of support for Microsoft products. As per this policy, Microsoft Business and Developer products, including Windows and Office products, receive a minimum of 10 years of support (5 years Mainstream Support and 5 years Extended Support), at the supported service pack level. Thus, Windows XP SP3 and Office 2003 will go out of support on April 8, 2014. If your organization has not started the migration to a modern desktop, you are late. Based on historical customer deployment data, the average enterprise deployment can take 18 to 32 months from business case through full deployment. To ensure you remain on supported versions of Windows and Office, you should begin your planning and application testing immediately to ...